When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Friday, August 25, 2006

Guest Posting from Elle

Yes.............. I finally arrived!!!

Clare is letting me put this guest posting up because I KNOW everyone will tease me for what happened yesterday so I thought I'd give you the laugh myself before the story takes on a life of its own and becomes some sort of folklore!! (Clare's already done all the jokes about haggis for tea!!!)

I set off nice and early, on what should have been a two and a half hour journey, knowing where I was going, but needing to check directions again for motorway exits. Don't ask me how, but between phone calls and just a cursory glance at the directions I ended up going the wrong way on the motorway and ended up almost in London!!!

So, the two and a half hour journey became six hours!!! Many thanks to DragonM for getting my message to clare to let her know I was going to be so late.....I didn't want her having visions of either something having happened to me, or my famous visits to police stations (it really only happened the once!) turning into an 'extended stay'.... cells....handcuffs......oooohhhhh lets not go there!!

Its lovely to see clare so relaxed, so happy, and its made such a difference to us. We talked last night about all sorts of things (I know there'll be a lot more of that this weekend) and even things which we both thought might be difficult seem so easy now.... smiles.

As I went off to sleep last night, our conversation reminded me in some ways of the journey earlier.....even while the drive appeared to be going well, there was some sort of sense I was headed in the wrong direction, getting further away from where I needed to be. Once I was certain of it, stopping, turning around and getting on the right road was easy and, even though it made the journey so much longer, I travelled through places and saw sights I wouldn't have otherwise seen. That can happen to us all in our professional and personal lives sometimes just as easily as it can a car journey.

I'm spending today with our oldest snugglebunny while clare's in work.... and then a girlie night tonight for us all. There are lots of other things planned for the weekend, including a visit to see those 'cheeky monkeys' tomorrow..... we must make sure we take the camera just in case we spot two that we recognise.... winks at M and DragonM.

and especially for clare...... thank you for the wonderful welcome to both your homes babes..... its like I've never been away....hugs.



lessa{D} said...

ehmmm elle... I for one am not gonna tease you... everytime I have to be in The Hague I get lost... grinnnnnnnnnn...

but I am so happy I did read this before I set out for my wonderfull day... and incase you wanna know were I am going... copy/paste the next link... http://www.bettmeralpbahnen.ch/e/live/

you and that oldest snugglebunny have a wonderfull day.. love that girl to bits... and clare and youngest snugglebunny... success at school and work...

xxxxxxxxxxxxx, lessa

Anonymous said...

well.. elle.. a few days ago i bought a navigator for my car...

Maybe it's something for you... *grins*
It has several different languages and i can even choose between a womans or a male voice..

the only problem... i am missing the BDSM-voice version.. A womans voice telling me "Would you please go right after a 100 meters" is more appealing the a males voice saying'"Take the 1st rigth after 100 meters".. *grins*

And when he says "You are exceeding the speed limit"... Well that's my business.. LOL


lessa{D} said...

Ooopsssssssssss, only one answer comes up in me now....

"poor DragonM, such a hard life... what are we to do"


* hides behind elle... she taught me these words....

goodmorning darlings... was it a late night... ;-)

have fun today the 4 off you...

love and kisses


teasemedenyme said...

Good to see you all having a lovely time... hug each other for me please..

And elle... when you visit me... get the train and arrange in advance for the guards to put you on the right ones *G*

clare said...

huggged each other for everyone....smiles

tease...I'm going to tie a little card around elle's neck with my addresson, in case she gets lost again...just like Paddington Bear !

Dragon M Sir ....good to see that Your sat-nav is Domming You Sir !!! *runs and hides*

lessa - I'm so glad that you're having sucha good holiday. You deserve it sweetheart.

And elle?

Just thank you *smiles
