When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy Mothers' Day

Happy Mothers' Day to everyone !!

I've had a busy but lovely day so far, visiting family, time with the girls etc. They've bought me flowers and one of my favourite perfumes *smiles. I'm a lucky woman.

We went to visit my Aunty today. She was never able to have kids, so for as long as I can remember I've bought her Mothers' Day cards and presents. She's always been there for me ...a lovely lady. She still can't accept sometimes that I'm 'all grown up' - she'll often remind me to make sure seat belts are fastened on the girls, and that I should wear a woollen vest in winter (I don't think silk basques and bodices would quite match her expectations!!).

I played badminton this morning (sooo tempted to call REDREDRED after 45 minutes!!), then went visiting. Two more visits left and a family party that I'm leaving for in a few minutes. And in my case, family parties mean extra baking *grins - I'm always the one nominated to bring cakes and desserts!!! *laughing

We all went to see my hubby's nan yesterday. She's in a nursing home, very frail, and occsionally on a drip. To see him with her - how he talks with her, cares for her - makes my heart flip. He's wonderful like that. I really can't explain how he makes me feel, when I see him with her. I think in any relationship, seeing the softer side of someone helps you to apreciate them more....seeing their 'whole self'. All the men with whom I've been involved in D/s have had massive hearts when it comes to their families, and that's one of the things that makes them so special.

So I'm off now, to a party where the kids will all throw themselves at us (5 nieces and nephews), my sisters in law will get tipsy, and the men will all discuss football and their shared views on Man U !!

And I wouldn't change it for the world. *smiles softly.



Tiggs said...

Geez, Clare, you made me run to look at the calendar and then double-check online... I guess Mother's Day is different across the pond, eh? We don't celebrate it til the second week of May... Good thing cause after reading this, I was about to wake the little guy up just to ask where my card is, lol.


clare said...

lol !! Poor little guy !! He had a narrow escape !

Yes, I've heard that Mothers' Day is different over there - lol. Sorry to have scared you !!


Paul said...

Clare, Mothers day is different on the continent as well, it can be quite confusing.
Your family times sounds really great.
Warm hugs,

lessa{D} said...

Mmmm, mothersday here is the 2nd sunday in may... so I haven't forgotten my mom... she'd never forgive me... grinnnnnnnn...

being with family, loved ones... i's the most important thing in the whole world...

and yes, seeing the man you love in the company he cares for is so touching...

hugs, cuddles and kisses....

clare said...

Paul...the family time was great..just soooo busy !!! *grins and huggsssss

Lessa - yep, time with family is one of the important things. Family you're born with, and family you choose.
