When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Saturday, February 17, 2007


My husband came home from hospital today, and is so happy to be back home.

One of the things he has to do as part of his recovery, is to inject himself each day with anti coagulents to help prevent DVT. He's had problems injecting himself though, so the lovely nurse at the hospital asked if anyone at home would be able to do it for him.

'Oh yes,' he replied. 'My wife will be able to do that for me. It will fulfil her sadistic streak!'.


He thinks I can't take pain - he thinks I'm sadistic - I must be damn good at hiding my submissive painslut side !! *weg.

And if he thinks that I'm sadistic.....I could introduce him to a few people who could really surprise him ! Lol.

On the serious side - he's home, he's healing, he's happy. Who could ask for more.



lessa{D} said...

ohhhhhhhh clare.. I am sooooooooo happy he is safely home with you and the girls... and I know you will take great care of him... and grin.... get a grip on that sadistic streak... lol....


clare said...

hugggss lessa.

I just read to him until he fell asleep, it was lovely to see him so peaceful. He hasn't slept prroperly since he went into hospital.

And ......I have no sadistic streak !! If I did...DragonM Sir would have beaten it out of me ! *grins

kusssssssssss for my sis

lessa{D} said...

I can fully imagine him not being able to sleep in the hospital.. much better to be home with his 3 girls...

you all enjoy your sunday together... we are real early... M:e and I are gonna get the doggies... grinnnnnnnn

kussssssssssssssss for my sis the nurse ;-)

Tiggs said...

Me thinks she doth protest too much!!!! *evil grins and huge bounces of giggles*

Hmmm... maybe there is a way to coax out your inner sadist? It just HAS to be lurking in there somewhere... maybe in your little toe?

Either way, I am ever so relieved to hear that your hubby is doing well and is home with the family. Take care of him, but don't forget to care for yourself too, sweet one!

Love you,

Paul said...

Clare, that's very good news.
How they expect anyone to heal in hospital when they wake you a 5:00 AM and ask if you want a cup of tea. *G*
Warm hugs,

clare said...

huggsss you all

He had a bad night last night, as the tablets he's on are affecting his stomach, bur the actual hip seems fine. He's able to go upstairs etc relatively easily.

I'm sleeping on the sofa at the moment so I'm nearby if he needs anything. It's a good thing that I can sleep virtually anywhere now my insomina has gone !!

Thank you all for you good wishes, Ive passed them on - and they really do mean a lot to me.


lessa{D} said...

oh clare.. can't they give him anything against that awful side effects.... and milk always helps...

a big hugggggggggggg


clare said...

kussssssssss for lessa.

He's ten times better today. I changed his tablets after medical advice, and also got the district nurse to come out to him today. No more stomach ache, and he had a big lunch and then a bowl of home made apple crumble cake and custard afterwards.

Happy man there *smiles.

love you

clare said...

tiggr....you wanna ask DragonM Sir if He wants to coax out my inner sadist ?? *grins
