When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Some pictures, I know why I like them. It just hits me.

However this one, I can't put my finger on - maybe its the feeling of quiet confidence, or of a girl ready to approach her Master.

Either way...it's beautiful *smiles


lessa{D} said...

mean mean blogspot is eating comments... waaaahaaaaaaaaaa...

but I really really like this picture... it's so serene... mmmmmm


Paul said...

Clare, lovely picture, I've finally made the effort to find your blog.
I just read your comment on Kaya's last post, I do so agree with you.
Now a question, why do you call yourself DragonM's fox? I've never heard it before. If you don't wish to answer here, Lessa has my address.
Warm hugs,

clare said...

huggsss lessa - serene would be a good word *smiles

Hi Paul - good to see you! And I have no problem answering your question here. I'm not DragonM Sir's slave or submissive, but I'm His - He owns me and controls me, and loves me and teaches me. He gave me the name fox quite a while ago, and I'm very proud to answer to it. *smiles

hugggssss my fellow Brit

lessa{D} said...

*leaving goodmorning hugs..... *