When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Friday, March 09, 2007


I was brought up to use manners...please, thank you...and not to swear. I've brought my children up in the same way.

In chat the other day, I sat watching the scroll and realised just how many people swear as readily as they say hi. And I'm sorry to say that the worst offenders were the girls.

It seems that a lot of the 'newer' submissives seem to think that they need to show how rough and tough they can be, what strong women they are. They tell Doms to f*** off, call other submissives bitches and c***s, and basically scream at people. Their message is meant to be, 'I'm a strong woman, not a doormat, it takes a strong man to make me submit'. I think the message is slightly 'off-key'.

I swear sometimes, yes, but rarely, and only if Im really, really angry (or in play when I'm really taking a hard session). To my mind, projecting that sort of image is letting yourself down - it shows that you have little respect for others or for yourself. It only brings into question the size of your vocabulary, if you have to resort to swearing to make your point. If you're owned or with a Dom - it also reflects badly on him. I'd want to make my Dom proud of me - and swearing at everyone really doesn't do that.

It's sad that so many of the newer submissives seem to want to project this image. I remember many months ago reading a blog littered with profanities - I hated it. I can't understand why someone would portray themselves like that.

Maybe I'm getting old *smiles.



Tiggs said...

I absolutely agree with everything you've said here... for the sake of our childrena dn their future generation, and also for the future of submissives and women in all roles who have and promote self-respect and self-control.

Great post...


lessa{D} said...

Ohhhhhhhh, I so agree with you... as you already know! DragonM absolutely does not think mildly about men or women usin vulgar language... but grin, you already know that also.

I don't understand how anyone could think that swearing is a proof of not being a doormat, if it is any proof at all it is proof of being years from being a real submissive...

big hugs to you, and a kissssssssss and cuddles...

to those great girls of you also...

Anonymous said...

No... a strong woman isn't swearing... a strong woman have no need to call names on her sisters... A sub is a sub... a sub is strong, but kind.. a sub is everything but support her sisters...
I am not into chatroom or other online exchange, but it is quite sad that this image is transmitted by that technogical way...

Paul said...

Clare, I do agree with you, so many people swear in their everyday conversation. It's f*** this c*** that and s*** the other. I think to myself don't they have any respect for themselves or their listeners. I wonder to myself what do they say when there is a real need for strong language.
I remember doing some work in the house, I hit my thumb with the club hammer, I came out with a mouthful of the sort of language I learned in the army, Mel looked at me in astonishment and said "I didn't know that you even knew that sort of language, and that's the way it should be, never in front of women and children.
Warm hugs,

clare said...

hugggsss Tiggr. Self respect and self control seem to be the least of their worries - but if you csn't respect yourself, how can anyone else? And yes - the children - if children grow up thinking this language is acceptable, the the situation gets worse with each generation.

lessa - hugggsss you tight and grins, ohh yes, I know how he feels about vulgar language ! *grins. I think you remember the website that I referred to, full of *f's* and screaming at people. *kisses and huggs the lovely girl

I agree totally searabbit - if people can 'choose' the image that they portray to others...why choose THAT image ?? huggsssss

Huggsss Paul - if people can't express themselves adequately in general conversation without swearing - its a sad state of affairs. I know I've sworn in 'extenuating circumstances' but never, ever as an everyday thing. Its horrible to hear, from either sex, but especially from submissive women who I've always considered strong, intelligent and witty.

Hope you're enoying the same lovely weather as us today ! *smiles


teasemedenyme said...

This so reminds me of the one and only time i ever swore in front of my dad...

My punishment was to be told he was disappointed in me... and to go to the dictionary and find ten words i could have used instead...

Now yes, i'm human and i fial... i swear when i lose it... but generally if i swear people know i must be really mad...

And that lesson from my dad is the reason why...