When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Further afield....

I looked at my cluster map today, and I have to admit, I still find it strange to see that people from various places all over the world read here. Admittedly, most will only read out of idle curiosity but it still seems unbelievable almost, that people in Australia, America and further afield read my words.

I also noticed that I have as many 'spots' in Holland as I do in the UK ! *grins

It mames me wonder why people read. I'm glad that they do, don't get me wrong, but compared with a lot of D/s blogs mine isn't - well - very D/s. Very few tales of hard beatings, or of naked goings on. That doesn't make me less of a submissive - it just reflects my relationship with Sir. Being from different countries our relationship can't be based on play ( and neither should it - play is the least important part of D/s). And before anyone totally misunderstands that statement amd tears it apart, I don't mean that lessa's relationship with Him is based on play just because she lives close to Him. Her submission/slavery to my Sir - her Master - is wonderful, and as real as it gets. My play with Him is occasional - every couple of months, but when it happens its hard, glorious, wonderful pain filled pleasure. In between visits we have other physical aspects of submission - but I'm too shy to talk about them ! *grins

A lot of my submission is based on the more mental aspects, which actually suits me beautifully.

My blog reflects me - kids, life in general, I've made apologies on here and I've talked through problems here. I haven't glamourised my submission. I've just enjoyed it. I don't put up thought provoking posts, I just say what I want/need to say.

I missed out on the de-lurking that tiggr and others had a couple of months back - that must have been fascinating, to see where readers come from. Next time they do one, I may join in.

So to all who read here, thank you. I hope I don't bore you to death !!




Anonymous said...

I'm from Wisconsin. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi there, its 'another blog' here commonly known as M:e....lol.

In mine and I'm certain in many submissive's experience, those mental aspects of submission are so important to a complete relationship. Very few honest D/s partnerships can survive long term without it.

We've spoken in the past about how that's as much about accepting the reality of the boundaries of our relationships with our respective Sirs/Masters and the way they wish to conduct those relationships, as it is 'play' via the phone or IM conversations.

The more blogs I read, the more I am convinced that none of us ever fully portrays the true extent of who we are...just those aspects of ourselves we feel the need to share with others. That need will be driven by different things in different people... the desire to simply process thoughts, the desire to document a personal journey, the desire to contribute to a wider understanding, a desire to connect with people and make friends and many more reasons.

As you know, I keep much of myself and my relationship with M private these days due to the damage done by the mistaken but nevertheless hurtful comments of others in the past. And hey, you can't 'glamourise' something you don't talk about, right??

You know that me, possibly more than most, is amazed and delighted at your successful sojourn into 'blogsville'....like you said to me the other day, you've come to need it now... I'm glad it gives you something positive.

love and hugs xxx

clare said...

smiles...hey kaya! Glad you read here, I've enjoyed your blog enormously.

oh and er....I'm so pleased for you that your Master gave you crabs! *grins


lessa{D} said...

I also love seeing were all the readers of our blogs come from. All parts of the world... that sure is nice indeed...

like M:e I am so happy you do enjoy blogging now... I know how insecure you were at the start... you can do it... as your close friends already knew... :-)
