When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The power of submission

The power of submission lies not in the ability to kneel before another, to give over one's body or the wearing of a collar. The power of submission can be found only in the heart of one who gives her love to another freely, knowing what joy and pain will come from it. ~Unknown Author

I found these words on the website http://love-as-thou-wilt.blogspot.com/. I loved them.

kussssssssssssssssss for Sir and lessa


lessa{D} said...

oh yes, these sure are beautifull to... I love going from blog to blog and discover little treasures like these...

for me the most powerfull words are the lines of that Cascada song... Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky...

weather it brings joy or pain, or maybe taking care of the other, sharing some quiet hours... or a holiday and all new feelings... it's always so good...

hugsssssssssssssssss and a kissssss for my sweet sis...

clare said...

Whenever I hear that song, I think of you. I know how much you love it.

As DragonM Sir told me once, submission isn't just letting Him see my 'good bits', it's letting Him see everything, even the bits I don't like or aren't proud of.

Our relationship is the same - yours as slave, mine as fox - sharing it all, the ups and down and the joys and struggles.

I can't think of better people to share my life with - every aspect of it.

kussssssssssssssssssss for my sis

Tiggs said...

Love this quote, sweet girl! And I do hope your own solutions help your sleep far better than that foolish doctor. Soft music before bed, some quiet meditation, definitely staying off the computer in the late evening (quieting the mind), maybe some warm milk or chamomile tea...

Sweet dreams,

Anonymous said...

Good post.

Anonymous said...
