When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sign of trust....

It's a huge sign of trust in Sir that this post is very different from the one I originally wrote.

I was going to close the blog, because of people seeing things in what I'd written that weren't there, then causing trouble by questioning my intentions towards DragonM Sir.

But I'm not going to allow them to take away something I love. This blog, and my ability to talk about my life, and my submission to DragonM Sir.

Lessa and Sir know that what I write does not mean that I'm pleading for him to be my Master. I'm his fox and I love being that - I'm happy as I am. His fox - lessa's sister. Anyone with issues about that is more than welcome to address them to DragonM Sir - don't bother lessa or myself about them.

I may not be his subbie or slave, but he has my full submission for as long as we all three are happy together - until he can teach me no more, or until I need more.

I love them both - very much - and I'm not going to hide that .



lessa{D} said...

leaves a big hug... and lots of kisses...

I am so happy you decided not to take away your blog...


Anonymous said...

Have you ever felt how it feels when your kids teacher in school is praising her for doing so great?

The feeling that you makes you glow and makes you thank the whole world for feeling so good?

That's how i feel right now..

I am so proud of you, my clare, my fox...

You have found the meaning of submission and you made your Sir glow..


Anonymous said...

smiles and hugs you....after talking to you yesterday, I am proud of you for putting your trust in DragonM here....look what happens when you do. Setting your own pride aside has resulted in the pride of your Sir .....and I'm sure that feels wonderful.

I too am pleased you have decided not to close this blog....it continues to provide its readers with an insight into your life, your submissive journey, and how you are changing. It probably also, as with many bloggers, serves as a useful outlet for you.

One question. Are you certain in your heart anyone has deliberately set out to cause trouble for you? I find that very difficult to believe of anyone. Knowing how strongly you feel about the unfairness of having your own intentions questioned, I am certain you would not similarly question the intentions of others without being absolutely sure this was true.

If you do believe that to be the case, then maybe you should distance yourself from those concerned, those are not the actions of a friend.

Trust and friendship, as well as submissive relationships, come in many different shapes and sizes, and it takes an open heart to see beyond our preconceptions of what that package 'should' look like.

love and hugs xxx

clare said...

hugggsss lessa - the blog seemed to be more trouble than it was worth when people read things that aren't there. Love you xxxxxx

Sir - I saw that smile last night, I saw how proud you were - and it meant the world to me. kusssssssssssssssssss

M:e - you know, after that talk yesterday, what it took to post this piece. And seeing my Sir so proud and happy is worth it entirely.

No - I don't think that anybody deliberately set out to cause trouble. I think some people have problems accepting what I am to DragonM Sir, and therefore question his and my intentions. And I still believe that some people are too ready to judge a situation and offer advice only knowing one aspect. And no - that's not aimed at you, hugggssssss.

You also know that it was my worry about people's perception of me now that nearly led to me not being DragonM's fox anymore. But screw it - Sir and lessa know who and what I am. I certainly know what I am.

And seeing the proud man beaming away last night.....laid to rest much of the hurt some comments caused.

kussssssssssss, love to you all.


Tiggs said...


I'm just happy that you are back and posting again... I've missed you. I can't pretend to understand all the subtleties and nuances of your trifecta, but I know that I love you just as I love Lessa and I am so very glad that you've found peace in each other, in the three of you.

The opinions and feelings and expectations of the three of you are all that are important... no one else truly matters where that is concerned.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

i am glad to read this clare.

Forever trust in who we are....and nothing else matters.

Wishing all the luck and love for the three you.

sweet greets from Mo ( aka musi)

clare said...

smiles....thanks Mo - trust counts for such a lot.
