When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Friday, November 10, 2006


I no longer work at ABC High School. I am no longer a school manager. And I have to admit I'm feeling damned relieved about it.

I went to school armed with a mega box of tissues today - my friends will confirm that I'm quite a sensitive, emotion soul at times. But I didn't actually need them until I got home.

All day long I've had people in my office, wanting to say goodbye and wish me luck. It was a good thing I'd already had the handover to the woman who's taking on some of my duties, because today would have been impossible to do anything substantial. Kids were skipping class to come and say goodbye, over forty of them over the course of the day. At lunchtime I was 'requested' to pop along to the staffroom, where I was given an enormous bouquet along with chocolates and a card. I had other presents and cards during the day too. It was lovely to feel that I would be missed.

The colleague whose goodbye I had been really dreading left work at lunchtime, which I think was a good thing (for me anyway) - he gave me the most enormous hug and then grinned at me and said,'how the hell does DragonM get close enough to you with those boobs in the way !!! And aren't they lovely and soft !!' The cheeky sod ran out of reach damn fast, lol.

When my manager made the presentation at lunchtime, he spoke of the wonderful things that I'd done at the school - the summer program, the football academy, the university partnership. It was good to hear the recognition of the things that had gone well, but I was also thinking of the things that could have been wonderful, had the school actually taken things seriously. My replacement (a gym instructor with no experience of any aspect of schools except her immediate role) was already facing problems today - being told that she couldn't have this display cabinet, or this wall for display space, etc etc ....because it was only for her department, it's not a priority. I told her, welcome to my world. I think it shocked her, how little support she was already getting.

But onwards and upwards. I'm planning on cleaning the house top to bottom next week now ( I'm feeling too 'on edge' to have a lazy week), catching up on doctor's appointments and making the most of picking my youngest up from school so that she doesn't have to go to the dreaded after school club.

I'm still on my countdown to visiting Sir and lessa - I've even written a story about part of our holiday in France this past couple of days, due to my er....increased wish to see Him/be with Him/have the arse flogged off me, be chained and whipped, on my kneels begging for mercy *blushes*. OK...it's a LONG time since I was with Him !! Lol. Can't you just guess that the story is rather a sexy one, the way I'm feeling?? *grins

I'm a lucky girl, with much to look forward to in life.

*Raises a glass of Baileys to you all ...cheers!*



lessa{D} said...

heyyyyyy, now how could that sweet male colleague of you be called a sod... he's ever so charming and smart... grinnnnnnnnnnn

and I know DragonM still wants to have hat drink with him... lol...

but uhmmmmmmm, I am happy they did realize they are gonna miss you...

and ok.... now I am curious... and you are not supposed to hide spicy stories from your sis...

hugsssssssssssssssssssssssss and kussssssssssssssss

Anonymous said...

lessa is right... how can you call him a sod... he's a man with excellent taste... *grins*

It always feels to get the recognition, even tho it was a bit late...

I have read the story and it is a good one..

Well.. just 3 weeks to go...


clare said...

hugggs lessa.....*blushes* the story is about something you know about *coughs-him-and-me-in-the-shower-coughs* and I don't think it's for public consumption, but I'll definitely email you a copy *grins. He seemed to like it!

Sir...I'm sure You'll still meet him when You come over, I don't think I'm getting out of that one Lol.

kussssssssssssssssss for you both