When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Push the limits....

Push the Limits is the name of this lovely artwork from Artnam. (Me? Push limits? Let's not get into THAT discussion !! lol). But I saw the picture, and you know my first thought?

Wonder how that hairstyle would look in brown or red??

I kinda didn't notice her being naked etc etc.....I'm normally quite observant about these things - trust me, I normally notice if a gorgeous woman is butt naked !

But I'm considering going from my current very dark brown to more of an auburn, and I sort of didn't notice she had no clothes on.

You think I'm losing my innocence?



lessa{D} said...

hugssssssssss her sweet sis...

mmmm, DragonM whispered in my ear 'you can't loose what you don't have' *winksssss*

but please don't ever colour your hair blonde... I'd go bananas... brown or auburn... mmmmmm, might be an idea.. but I like it as it is....

and ehhhm, who was naked.. was there something naked... I didn't see it at all...

clare said...

gasps at DragonM Sir !!! You haven't noticed my virginal qualities????? *grins

huggss lessa, nah, I'd never go blonde (once was enough) but I'm seriously considering auburn, or just loads of auburn highlights. Kusssssss for my equally innocent sis
