When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Monday, June 12, 2006

Accepting myself

I was talking to a good friend yesterday about my kids, about how when I’m with them, I can be ‘me’ – no trying to fit in with others, no worrying that I don’t act in a certain way – I’m just me. I do the things with them that I don’t normally do with others – sing, dance, run around, wrestle, all with no fear of them judging me.

Master, elle, Dragon M Sir and lessa have all seen that ‘fun’ side of me. I have clear recollections of chasing elle around a couch in Holland and the not so well aimed cushion I threw at her just missing Dragon M Sir !! In fairness I think that they’ve all seen most sides of me….the fun, the laughter, the insecurity, the submission, the anger.

They all know how I deal with things – if I’m angry then more often than not I have to go quiet, and not say anything because if I did speak, my temper would make a situation far worse. I even worry about that – I went very, very quiet once over a big upset because that’s how I best handled the situation, to shoot my mouth off and let the anger fly would have only added fuel to the flames. My concern afterwards was does Master think I wasn’t angry, or upset? Does He think that the circumstances hadn’t affected me? I would hate Him to think I was unfeeling about what had happened, just because I reacted in a different way to others. But my silence was my way of helping, by not exacerbating the situation – that was my submission to Him.

I worry so much about people judging me. So many people only know a part of me, very few know the whole. And even with those people to whom I am very close – if a part of me seems to make them uncomfortable, I will shut down that part of me to them so as to stop their unease – but also to stop myself feeling judged. And that isn’t letting them see the whole me, its only showing the part I think they want to see. But having a part of me that I don’t let them see, or don’t share with them, is painful for me because it creates a barrier. It’s like having an unfinished argument – you both avoid mentioning it because neither wants to bring the subject up again in case it creates more bad feeling. And that makes the rest of the relationship feel a bit false, as if you’re treading on eggshells.

I need to learn that I can be myself with others, as I am with my kids. Master and elle have seen me in virtually every scenario possible, the good, the bad and the ugly and they’re still there – I haven’t frightened them off.

When you befriend someone, you don’t just choose a part, you take the whole person – the manager, the mum, the sub, the blogger…….the person in their entirety. I have to stop thinking that people will only want the bits of me that they agree with, or perceive to be perfect (not much of me qualifies under that category !! *grins). Real friends will want the whole of me, good or bad. If they don’t….they’re not real friends. My closest friends now are those that have seen every part of me (literally every part of me in some cases !! blushes) and still accept me for who I am. They don’t judge.

Maybe it’s time I stopped judging myself.



teasemedenyme said...

Oh clare... it's your turn to sum me up today...

i spend way too much time thinking about what other people will think of me... and yet, like you, with the littlies it doesn't matter...

Perhaps we need to recapture some of that in our dealings with others... and let ourselves just be...

Anonymous said...

smiles at clare.. very much still here babes, as I've said many times, I'll be right here for as long as you want me....hugs.

You are SO right though, to be a true friend does mean accepting the whole of that person...every bit as much as it means that person accepting you... friendship has to be very much a two way exchange.

We've talked a lot recently about the differences between acceptance and agreement... and that the two do not have to always go hand in hand...there is room in a true friendship for a difference in beliefs and, again, for those beliefs to be respected by both parties.

Imagine two friends from very different cultural backgrounds. They may have very fundamental differences in their views about religion, or diet, or many other things. Hopefully, as true friends, they would accept those things about each other, even when they are things they may not fully understand or wish to share.

When those differing views are respected, then those barriers disappear, because there are no longer any 'unfinished aguments', just an accepted difference in views. Neither has to convince the other to their own point of view... each may hold their own and still be loved.

So, as one of those people who has seen just about every imaginable part of you (!)... I agree, time to stop judging yourself.


lessa{D} said...

clare.. knuffellllllllllllllllsssss

as I told you earlier tonite.. I was so touched when I read this piece... yes, accepting yourself af you are.. no longer judging yourself.. and don't let people who are not important bother tou... their opinion only matters if you make it matter.. it's the people close by, the people we do love and trust that do matter..

and as elle says... we are all different.. lets accept that in ourselves and eachother and celebrate those differences cause they make each of us a unique personality...

mmmmm, not the time to make new years resolutions... but I almost would make one...

an enormous big hug to you...


Anonymous said...

In the last half year i have met some different clares. The mom clare, the subbie clare, the serious clare, the funny clare, the sexy clare... all those clares making the one i call my special friend.....

You do realize that when you start writing these kind of postings, i might be looking at another new clare... the clare who can express her feelings about all the other clares.. her own life, herself....

Well.. to be honest, i am not surprised... I already knew this clare and i like her just as much as all the other clares *grin*


lessa{D} said...

hello dutch learning clare...

goedemorgen, lekker geslapen?



clare said...

grins...lessa, goedemorgen..i slept well thank you !

tease - lessa, the people who matter seem to like me, so I cant be doing TOO much wrong !!

elle- thank you for the talk last night, it was lovely to hear your voice again, and even nicer for us to talk about the things that we did.

Dragon M Sir - what can I say ?? *grins. I thought ONE clare would be difficult enough to cope with ! Smiles...thank You. The past year I've learnt a lot about myself, and new 'clares' seem to have appeared, and I'm gradually getting the confidence to show all my facets. But sometimes...I still hide bits of myself, its a hard habit to break. Master seems pretty fond of me *grins......so I can't be that bad !! Even so, it took a long time for me to have the courage for Him to see certain sides of me too.

huggs for the orange wearing, tail waving Dom !


lessa{D} said...

'orange wearing tail waving Dom'


you are in soooooooooooooooooo much trouble now... hahahahahahahaha


clare said...

moi? in trouble? hmmm...don't think that would class as a 'something new' for me, lol.

Remembers me talking myself into more and more trouble in Wales that weekend we were all there....and Master raising His hands in the air, shrugging His shoulders at Dragon M Sir and saying ....see???? she KEEPS on going !! Digging herself deeper !!


lessa{D} said...


I rest my case....
