When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Friday, June 16, 2006


Long term friends know that when elle and I shared the Submissive Sisters site, I wasn’t a regular contributor. There were quite a few reasons for that, all of which Master and elle know about.

When I started this blog, it surprised a few people (not least of whom myself). I made a deal with myself to blog for a month and see how I felt about it. Well, its half way through my trial period now, so as with any good project I’m doing a midway review.

I hope I’ve represented Master well. I saw another blog yesterday where the home page had more swearing than acceptable language. Really in-your-face, out and out hostile words – how can anyone be proud of that? Why portray yourself as being so rude and lacking in vocabulary? It amazed me that anyone would want to give that impression of themselves – or of their Dom. Master doesn’t expect – and wouldn’t accept - that language from His girls.

I’ve enjoyed being able to post my feelings, or anecdotes about what has happened to me. I love having a ‘home’ on the internet. I like how the blog has developed. Surprisingly I never once felt pressured to post, just because I haven’t posted in the last couple of days. Some days I posted more than once, and some pieces definitely defied Master’s love of précis !

But I’m still not sure I’ll carry on with it.

Real life is what matters. The people who know me in real life. But there’s still a big part of me that worries about what I post, because of ‘what people might think’. Not about the words that I write, but the reasons that I write them. I posted two days running about things that elle’s website had made me think about…does that mean I have no original thoughts? I was going to post a picture that a friend had given me, that I loved…does that mean I’m incapable of finding my own material? Others might not think this, and to be honest I don’t think any of my friends that visit here would think it – but I worry that they will.

I think I anticipate problems too much. Yesterday I pulled out of something that I really wanted to do, because I followed my own chain of thought – if I do this – this will happen, that will happen, someone will get hurt, I’ll be upset because of that, so better not to do it at all than set myself and the other person up for all that anguish. The terrible upset I imagined might not have happened – it probably wouldn’t have done – but there was still the chance that it might. So better to avoid the situation arising. It’s my self preservation instincts kicking in – like my ‘shutting down’ system that my friends know well. I shut myself down emotionally to avoid getting hurt. Smiles – I’m gradually getting weaned off this habit thanks to some very patient and er…. (dare I whisper the word bossy..?) people, but I still do it on occasion.

My blog is a representation of me – it gives people a picture of how I’m thinking, of how my mind works (in very very strange ways sometimes! *smiles at elle about my ‘other’ posting this morning). The blog isn’t the most important thing to me – my real time relationship with Master is my priority as He’ll be very glad to hear *smiles.

So – for the next two weeks, I’ll carry on blogging on see what happens, how I feel.

But if I AM going to carry on blogging (oh my god it sounds like a film with Barbara Windsor and Sid James!!) I’ll need to give myself a good kick up the backside to stop worrying so much !!!



Anonymous said...

huggs.....sets out a selection of different shoes for you to choose from for when you deliver that kick up the backside(what do you think lessa... orange football boots maybe..winks??)

Also refers you back to your posting the other day about not judging yourself so much and worrying all the time about what others think.

You were right then, and you are right now... our blogs are NOT the most important things in our lives (God forbid they EVER become that!!!).

We've talked about blogs many times before, and I know that you, our friends, and especially Master understand that, for me, its simply one avenue for releasing some of the things I think and feel... often a way of helping me to 'process' things. Its the right space for me, in a way the chatrooms never could be. Finding my 'right space' has meant I don't even think about the chatrooms any more (and you know how much I used to stress about not coming in more) though I may still pay the occasional visit when the mood takes me!!

Sometimes, my blog is also an additional avenue of communication with Master or friends but, again, could never replace the more personal emails, IM chats and phone calls I have with so many of you - all of which are very special indeed.

Blogging isn't, and doesn't have to be, for everyone...and, judging by some of the other blogs I read, we all go through a 'hiatus' every now and again, where we need to take a break or even stop completely. It all comes back to us individually doing what is right for us....and that is something each person has to determine for themselves.

love and hugs xxxxx

lessa{D} said...

ehmmm elle, orange football boots or wooden shoes might very well do *grin*

clare, we've shared a lot lately, through the phone, IM, mails and our blogs. And I love the way you are doing on this blog. I am so proud that i'm your other sis cause I know how special elle is to you.

Ofcourse it is up to you and Mike to decide about blogs and blogging. But I can already tell you that I would start pouting for at least a month if you stopped. And I am not sure if RB and DragonM would survive that.... grin.

Yes, a blog is a representation of both you and through you your Master. And DragonM and Mike would never tolerate us using language like that (grinnnn, DragonM told me not to visit that place any longer).

OK. of to the important guys now for rebuilding plans.. till later...


clare said...

huggs the two lovely ladies but REFUSES the orange football boots !! lolol

I've found that after a 'serious' convo with any of you, my brain gets working overtime (yes, it's true - I have a brain!) - and often my posting something on my blog is a way of setting out my thoughts so that they're clear to ME - not just other people. I suppose in the same way as it helps elle's thought processes.

I suppose I have to work out if the benefit I get from being able to work things out and see things more clearly outweighs the 'angst' over the things that I mentioned.

I've enjoyed the blogging......so we'll see.

And lessa? Im open to bribes from the gentlemen to avoid you pouting for a month !!!!!


Anonymous said...

*promises not to pout whatever you decide...just to try to support you in doing whatever is right for you.


teasemedenyme said...

*sighs and understands*

lessa{D} said...

ehmmmmmm, are orange wooden shoes an option then *winks*

and grin, how's totally forgetting a certain hose for a bribe..


clare said...

smiles at all the lovely ladies.

Lets see how I go on in the next two weeks - its all a learning curve, hugggsssssss

and STILL refuses the orange boots, sunglasses, hose...anything !!!!!!


Anonymous said...

you know, I often find myself with not much to talk about. When it happens I read all the lovely people on my bloglists postings till I find a worth topic. Not only is it not uncommon, its actually done by a lot of bloggers who talk about things other then there home life.

As far as not being sure if you will keep the blog, well that just saddens me. I don't make it here as much as I would like, but between the two bblogs I get lots of insites into your lives and I love it.

Hopefully these next couple of weeks we be so much fun and filled with some many new friends you will decide you definately do want to keep it. Either way, I hope to see you from time to time whether I come here, or you come to my site.

Be well friend, and best wishes to you and yours. *hugs*

clare said...

smiles....thank you masterabd, your words are appreciated.


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