When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thank You....

Visitors to my blog who also visit lessa’s will have picked up that there is lots of teasing between us all about September, and about France. So I thought, having sought Master’s permission, that I’d explain.

Dragon M Sir and lessa are due to go on their much loved holiday together to France in September, and have very graciously invited me along. As a friend, yes – but also as a submissive. Dragon M Sir asked Master’s permission to take me and this was agreed – they discussed limits between them, regarding what would happen once we got there.

Master has given Dragon M Sir a ‘no limits’ situation with me – the no limits that I have with Master, He has given Dragon M Sir for the time that I am with Him and lessa. He has done this knowing that Dragon M Sir will take the same care with me as He does with His own girl – Master knows that I’m in safe hands. Having met our Dutch friends in real and spent quite a bit of time with them, the trust is there to enable this.

Me being the ‘less sure of myself’ girl in Master’s charge, I had to query with Him for my own peace of mind whether this ‘no limits’ situation was a kind way of saying that He didn’t feel that He wanted me anymore (ok..i TOLD you I’m a bit unsure sometimes!!). He assured me that this was the furthest thing from His mind, that He wanted Dragon M Sir to be free to be able to treat me in a different way than Master Himself does, but with the same care. I know – the question should never have entered my head, but as my friends know, my background and events in recent years have knocked my self confidence somewhat. Master has suspended the family for a while, to allow us to grow as independant subbies - this is an extension of that.

I’ve already posted of how I think of lessa as my sister, just with a different Master. I have a great deal of respect for Dragon M Sir, and He has spent a lot of time getting to know me this past six months. They are both very good friends.

Master has agreed to me going to France, hopefully in the knowledge that I will show Dragon M Sir the same respect and consideration that I show Him. I would certainly hope that I don’t do anything whilst in France that would let Master down. I’m sure that I’ll learn a lot while I’m there.

So, when there’s teasing on the blogs about France, September, chocolate, outdoor play, the old song ‘No Limits’ by that terrible Dutch group 2 Unlimited *hides!!* you’ll know why *grins.

Thank You to my darling Master for trusting me and allowing this *soft kisses. And thank you to Dragon M Sir and my lovely Dutch sister for inviting me.

Giving me this freedom for a while in France doesn’t make me less of a submissive to You….

….it makes me more so.

All my love


lessa{D} said...


OK, not hugging that stuffings out.. but sure hugging till you gasp for air..

I can't thank Mike enough to give you permission to come to France. I guess you already know I am looking forward so much to the whole week but also to the sunday that you will arive...

it's at least 10 boxes of bailey's choclate level.. grinnnnnnnnnn

and that insecurity.. well, who of us can say she's never been there... I've sure been there myself.. and I know how it makes you feel.. Time and trust is the biggest healer of that...

lots of kisses....

your dutch sis

teasemedenyme said...


you know i am sooooo coming with you on that holiday....

*grins and hugs*

Anonymous said...

clare.. being the ‘less sure of myself’ girl in your Master’s charge, as you describe it...

you can be sure you are welcome in France..
You can be sure I will take VERY good care of you.

I am grateful to Mike giving me the 'No Limits' conditions..

you can be sure i am very proud of the trust Mike and you have in me..

and you can be sure i want to take a lot of the feeling 'being the less sure' away..


lessa{D} said...

clare.. I do not have the love for quotes that DragonM and elle have.. but this one I do wanna share...

Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.

Bernadette Devlin


clare said...

smiles.....huggs tease ...I'm not getting arrested for smuggling friends *grins

hugggssss lessa - thats a beautiful quote, thank you sweetheart.

Dragon M Sir - I'm grateful to Him too, for giving the 'no limits' and in doing so, removing any doubts.

And for the rest of Your post...I'm very sure *smiles and huggsss


Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »