When I'm good I'm very, very good - when I'm bad I'm better! - Mae West

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


After a few unsettled weeks, I’m finally feeling far more relaxed about so many things. I’ve been lucky to have lots of good friends supporting me and I’ve had the chance to catch up with a new friend.

To use an analogy (as I’m fond of doing *winks at elle) my ship was bobbing in the water with me unsure of where it was going. I now know which direction I’m heading in and I’m planning to enjoy the journey to the fullest. The last few days have assured me that I don’t need to know the full itinery. I don’t even need to know the exact final destination, just …. ‘I wanna go that way!’ and know that I'm going in the direction planned for me.

I’ll make the most of the ports of call along the way, in full knowledge that there’s no pressure to get to the end of the cruise. I’m extremely fortunate that my ship has a very loving, very strong crew. I'm feeling very happy, and very contented right now having so many things sorted in my head.

So here’s to my cruise – may it be adventurous, fun, educational, exciting, loving…..

….and may it cover the world.



Anonymous said...

I know how much you love cruises babes, so I hope this one will have lots of lovely calm water, and be filled with sunshine.


lessa{D} said...

sweet clare... as long as Schiedam and France are in that itinery...

I know you will have a wonderfull trip... with lots of sunshine and calm sees, but also exciting entertainment and new and interesting things...

you have 2 sisters keeping an eye on you... grin, 2 older sisters... which makes you little sis... *grin*.. well, enjoy that....

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, lessa

clare said...

smiles and huggs elle-

I'll enjoy the calm water when it's there, and not wish for a bit if turbulence so that I know I'm still on the crew !!

No doubt there'll be rough waters at times....but I don't get seasick anymore *grins. The right Captain will steer me through.

lessa - huggsssss. Schiedam and France are definitely on the itinery, two ports of call that I'm very excited about.

hugs and kisses my two lovely (older!) sisters !!!


lessa{D} said...

well, an enormous goodmorning hugggggg from this older sis who is at the office reading your blog.. so can't say I am working hard now... *grin*


Anonymous said...

I was searching blogs,and I found yours.Please,
accept my congratulations for your excellent work!
If you have a moment, please visit my adventure ball site.
Have a good day!